abstract art prints Beyond The Gray Sky
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Beyond The Gray Sky

I love to sit and gaze into the sky at all the big white fluffy clouds. I search to see if I can detect any forms, such as a face or shape of an animal. Cloud-gazing goes back to a child-hood show 'Gigglesnort Hotel' where there was a part of the show the main character would post a picture of a cloud and then draw an image on it. I've been fascinated ever since that show. Even the gray skies produce great shapes and color variations.

God has me remembering that beneath the gray, multi-dark clouds, there is still a blue sky. The blue sky never leaves even at night. The night sky is a very dark shade of blue, and you can see that with the moon's light.

God is like the blue sky. He never leaves, and He's always present. Even during the worse storms, God is there. During the darkest of times, He stays by our side. In those times of darkness and turmoil, look up and not only search for the blue sky beneath but also remember God is there with you. His love for you is vaster than the universe. Never let go of His love.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
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