
May 14, 2023

The Seeds We Sow

Seeds of Doubt, image by Cynthia B. Newby 2023

Beware the seeds of doubt you sow,

For they will surely take root and grow,

Into a garden of suspicion and fear,

Destroying trust and drawing near,

To the darkness that lurks within us all,

The temptation to judge and to make others small,

But Christ has called us to something more,

To love and to lift and to help restore,

The brokenness that we see around,

And to plant seeds of faith that abound,

In the goodness of God and the grace we receive,

That all may believe and in Him believe.

So let us be mindful of what we sow,

And the impact our words and actions bestow,

May they be seeds of hope and light,

That shines through the darkness and banishes the night.

Seeds of Hope and Light, image by Cynthia B. Newby 2023