
Jun 9, 2020

Nothing to Lose

It's a Sunday afternoon, and I'm reflecting on a job interview I had Friday. After almost 22 years, I'm sitting here thinking of everything I worked for just to have it stripped away. While the conversation went well, it's just reminding me of everything I'm losing. I don't have a job offer from them yet. I'm finding myself torn on what to do if the company offers me the job.

If I am offered the job, I'm afraid to take it being that it will make it harder to find something I may like better. I'm so scared not to take it due to the possible loss of entire income should another job not come along. Is this lack of faith? I'm praying for wisdom to know what to and peace in whichever decision I have to make.

As I go through this back and forth with myself and God; it hits me that with Jesus, there is nothing to lose. We have everything to gain by having a relationship with Him. I have to remember that this world is temporary and it is not my home. I have so much more waiting for me on the other side. I believe there will be even more to gain once we are there. I do not think God will take anything away from us once we reach heaven. I believe He will continue to bless us and grow our blessings in ways we cannot imagine.

I have no idea what my future holds here on Earth, but I do know what it holds once this life is over. Whether I find that perfect job or not, I already have the perfect God. My relationship with Christ is something no one can take away from me, and it is something that can grow and become sweeter as each day goes by. I'd rather have Jesus than anything this world offers, that's for sure.

But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ (Philippians 3:7-8)