
Dec 26, 2019

Ministering Angels

The Bible states there are angels among us. I believe they can take many different forms, including animal forms.

In our case, I believe angels visit us through our fur babies, Baxter and Nick . I say visit because once my pastor said he too believe angels could take the form of animals, but he personally didn’t believe they stayed for the life of the animal and that pets weren't angels. I tend to agree the more I learn about angels but what I've studied on so far, does mention angels can take different forms. Just as demons can possess people or animals, I believe angels can do the same though I don't call it 'possess'. I prefer 'visit'.

Baxter is our 11-year-old shorkie and Nick is our 2-year-old terrier mix. Both came to us during a time of grieving. Over 10 years ago, I lost my first fur baby. Sandy was my first companion pet that I owned from puppy to senior and we had a very special bond. My husband even commented that he never saw a bond between a human and animal like we shared. When we had to have her put to sleep at the age of 15, it was devastating to me. So much so, I and my husband literally thought I was dying from grief. I never experienced such grief. My husband decided another dog may help me through it and I told him if we got another, I wanted a male so that I wouldn’t expect him to be like my Sandy. That wouldn’t be fair to the dog. We found Baxter at a local flea market. As soon as I picked him up he gave me kisses all over my face and kept kissing me as long as I held him. He was the cutest little black pup with streaks of silver and white throughout his coat, a white chest and mixtures of brown and white on his feet. He’s been an old soul from day one. Calm and laid back, not like most pups. Just what we needed to overcome the passing of Sandy. Nick came to us after a similar situation. Our 13-year-old cockapoo developed metastatic lung cancer and we had to put her to sleep this past April. Our Baxter grieved her so. They were best buddies and we were concerned we would lose him. We were grieving too not only over Annie but that we may be losing Baxter. I started praying for a companion for Baxter and the same week we lost Annie, Nick entered our lives. We rescued him from a local animal shelter. His owner had died, and his companion was adopted out before him. He’s been a true gift from God for all of us. Baxter is acting like a young dog again and Nick brings energy to our house that was and is greatly needed.

I believe God orders angels to enter into our fur babies when we need encouragement and love the most. I thank God for them both daily and will even thank God for the angels He sends to minister to us. Just like humans don't have the ability to heal or create miracles unless God gives them the ability, angels don't have the ability to enter into people or animals unless God orders them to do so. All things are possible with God and only God. Whether you take my outlook on the angels or not, there is no doubt our fur-babies are gifts from God. He can communicate to our babies to let them know what they should do to comfort us, with or without angels. I choose not to limit God and He knows what or who will comfort us the most in our times of need or distress.

Always be aware of God’s presence, even in the most unlikely forms. You just never know if it’s an angel God sent to minister and share His love with you.

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? Hebrews 1:14