
Mar 20, 2021

Let Go, Let God

Most of us have heard the quote "Let Go, Let God". I read a devotional recently that had me look at my situation and why I have struggled so these past few months. I think I try to control my career/work-life more than any other area of my life. Losing my job is the first time I have felt I've had no control in my work life. It was tough for me to let go and let God, as many of you know. It wasn't a lack of faith in God. It was my need or desire to control at least one area of my life. I was failing, so I had to let go and let God. When I finally told God I was staying where I was until He took me away from it, that's when He gave me my answer and had the employer make an offer to me. I'll stay where I am and have faith in Him to see me through this new career, just as He did my last one. I don't know where this new path will lead as it is in an entirely different business.

It will be a challenge for me to see if I can apply my skills in this new area, but I do have God with me, and He's allowed me to accomplish more than I thought I could and more than others thought I could too.

Is there an area of your life you haven't surrendered to God?

Commit your works to the Lord, And your plans will be established. (Proverbs 16:3)