
Mar 17, 2020

I Can't Survive Without Jesus

Three weeks ago, I started a blog with this title for a totally different reason. Looking at that reason now, it doesn't seem near as important as what we as a world are facing now with the Coronavirus. There are people out of work with loss of income which could possibly lead to being homeless. Economies around the world are taking a nosedive. People's savings are being hit hard. The future is unknown and uncertain for everyone. Even I am becoming a bit concerned about what the future here on Earth holds for me and my husband.

There is one thing that I know is true. I literally cannot survive without Jesus. My hope is found in Him and Him alone. He may allow me to become homeless and I may lose my husband and friends like Job. Job lost his family, friends and everything this world offered him. I may find myself homeless. The truth is, my future is not unknown. I know where my future is. My future is with Christ just like my present is. He hasn't left and none of this surprises Him. He did not cause this either. All of this is the result of this being a fallen world created by the sin of man. If we want to blame someone, blame ourselves for rejecting Him and the paradise He created for us. It was man that destroyed that paradise, not God. Through all the disrespect and hate man shows God, God still loves us. He still offers us grace and mercy through the death and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ.

I believe God understands we will experience fear and even anger but what He looks at more is our heart. Do we have any faith in Him at all while going through the fear and anger? It is possible to have faith and still be scared. Our faith is not always strong, but it is still there and that little bit of faith, even the size of a mustard seed is what God will grow.

My advice during these times is what most pastors and Christians are saying. Cling to Jesus. Keep your eyes on Him. Delve into His Word. Meditate and study upon His Word more now than ever. Pray and grow closer to Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus is what will keep us going and keep us strong no matter what we face here on Earth. Always remember, this is a temporary world. This is not our home (if we have a relationship with Christ).

If you don't know Jesus Christ as your savior, you can have a relationship with Him starting today. Here is the link to a video which will explain how you can know Him as your savior so you too can have peace during this time of trouble.

Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head, and he fell to the ground and worshiped. He said,

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,

And naked I shall return there.

The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God.

(Job 1:20-22)