
Aug 15, 2020


Today I am sharing a poem as my blog. I share a favorite poem or song at least once a week. I read blogs listing favorite songs, favorite Bible verses, favorite technology gadgets, etc. To me, poetry can be uplifting, and I try to choose those that relate to anyone. Even the people that may not understand poems.

Today's poem is about healing faith. Jehovah Rapha, our heavenly Father, is capable of healing all ailments. These ailments can range anywhere from a broken heart to a broken leg. Sometimes I tend to rely too much on those around me instead of relying totally on God to heal me. I'll search out my brothers and sisters for prayer and support when all the help I need is within me, residing inside me as the Holy Spirit.

Suppose you are hurting spiritually, mentally, or physically and know Jesus as your savior. In that case, all you need to do is look within or look up. Jesus is with you and will empower you to either overcome the heartache or give you the strength to endure the sickness.